Description of the job
Total public members: 5
Method of Appointment: Appointed by Mayor, confirmed by Council
Length of Appointment: 3 years
Residency: Strong preference for DC residents from all 8 wards
Paid board: No (all roles are voluntary)
The DC Combat Sports Commission (Commission) regulates boxing, wrestling, martial arts and mixed martial arts within the District of Columbia, and protects participants and consumers by upholding the District of Columbia Boxing and Wrestling license law.
Commission membership:
The Board shall consist of 5 members nominated by the Mayor and approved by the Council. All members must be residents of the District of Columbia.
Individuals with professional and life experience lending to an interest in boxing, wrestling and combat sports (Mixed Martial Arts).
Time commitment:
The Board meets on the second Tuesday of each month (recess July and August) at 7:00 p.m. ; subcommittees meet as required to complete tasks.
If you are interested in an appointment to this board, please complete the appointment application. It is necessary to submit a recent head-shot, a three paragraph biography highlighting related skills and a recent resume. A member of our team will contact you to discuss the opportunity.